Thursday, March 29, 2012

extract data from SSAS and feed to a formated file / another application


I'm looking for a tool which is able to connect to SSAS Cube, extract data and transfer it to a file (as interface to another application). With reporting services I can extract Cube data but can't transform to the right file format and with SSIS I can't extract the data from Cube.

Do you have any ideas, tools, links, etc. ?

Thanks in advanced!


Why would you say: "with SSIS I can't extract the data from Cube" - what is the issue? Others in the forum are apparently using SSIS for this purpose, like:



I am populating flatfiles from MDX queries run i SSIS against AS databases.





I tried a MDX query in "OLE DB Source" -> "SQL Command" but the tool can't identify the output coumns.

Is this a typical problem?




You can do it if you use a Data Reader source, but you should also be aware that all of your columns will be Unicode Text (ie the DT_NText type); this is because the AS provider isn't strongly typed because there are quite valid scenarios where a measure could return values of different types, such as a numeric value or a string. It's perfectly possible to do the conversion downstream if you need to though.




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