Thursday, March 29, 2012

Extract data from ACCESS database with pwd via ODBC


My task is simple, I want to use the execute sql task editor to grab a value from a database in Access and put it in a variable. The connection is via ODBC and the access database is protected by a password.

I've done all the preliminary stuff such as running profiler to make sure that the package is getting the call to the database, setting up the ResultSet to be "single row" in the general tab, mapped the Result Set correctly, but nothing works. I get the same error every time.

This is my sql command:

selectcount(FingerPrintID) as FingerPrint

from Employee

Result Set is set up like this:

Result Name: FingerPrint ; Variable Name: User:: varDataset

Here is the error I get:

Error: 0xC002F309 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "varDataset": "Value does not fall within the expected range.".

My variable is set up as a Int16.

Please help!!!!!

If you could provide step by step example's that would really make my day.



What connection type are you using? ADO.NET?|||

Have you tried a 32-bit integer? That would explain the error message.




I create a connection via odbc, using Microsoft Access Driver.

And i'm using this connection to access the data in Access DataBase.



I already try all kind of variable types that exist in SSIS, but all them retrieve the same error.

Any more ideia? I don't knew what's to do.

Thanx very much


Have you properly mapped the column value that you want out of the resultset by naming the resultset FingerPrint or 0 (zero), as described in the "Populating a Variable with a Result Set" section of the Execute SQL Task topic?




First i created an odbc, in ODBC Data Source.

Then i have been trying to connect via odbc, using Execute SqlTask. But it doesn't work

Can you give me some help on this?




Yes, i already did this. But also didn' work.

Any more ideias?


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