Friday, March 23, 2012

External Activation and Notification Services

I have been going over the samples from PDC 2005 and trying to run the External Activator program in section 2 'CLR Services'. After sending a message to the Inventory Queue, I see that 'dm_broker_queue_monitors' table has a row in the table, with the state column shown as 'NOTIFIED', but the ExternalActivator program never gets notified of the event and therefore never launches the 'InventoryServer' program.

Querying the [ExternalActivatorQueue] shows no rows.

Querying the [Inventory Queue] shows messages are waiting to be received.

Executing the 'activator' command in the ExternalActviator program shows

Notification service 'ExternalActivator' on SQL Server 'DBSERVER\' and Database 'In
ventory' is connected to the database and working.

Any Ideas?


-KuoAfter some browsing through code in the samples, I figured out the problem. The queue thats suppose to contain all the notification messages for the ExternalActivator program was checking the correct queue for messages, however no messages were being created in the [ExternalActivatorQueue] whenever a new message was sent to the [Inventory Queue].
So I, dDropped the event, 'en', and reran the create event notifcation:

drop event notification en on queue [Inventory Queue]

create event notification en
on queue [Inventory Queue]
for queue_activation
to service 'ExternalActivator', 'current database';

sent a few more messages and the ExternalActivatorQueue started getting messages in the queue whenever a new message was sent to the [Inventory Queue].

This is really strange. I know I must of ran the create event notification command a few times. Oh well, it works now.


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