Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Extra character


I used excel to import data to my database, I found out a problem, my program is linked with the database, when the program show data from the database, it has an extra '@.' symbol, In order to remove it, I need to go to the database to press space bar and backspace at the field. How could I use SQL instead of using space bar and backspace?


I used excel to import data to my database, I found out a problem, my program is linked with the database, when the program show data from the database, it has an extra '@.' symbol, In order to remove it, I need to go to the database to press space bar and backspace at the field. How could I use SQL instead of using space bar and backspace?


If this is not a display problem, you can use replace() function to clean up the text.

select replace(col,'@.',space(0))
from tb|||but the @. can not be seen in the database, and sometime it shows # instead could you please let me know what's happen|||Do those characters occur as the first character?|||no, it occurs at last character

that I normally do, first go to the last character, then press space bar and backspace, the @. or # will be disappeared|||Run this query and see if you see those characters

Select SubString(yourCol,1,len(yourCol)-1) from yourTable|||I can not see those character, the last character of each reocrd is missing.|||Well. Use that query to display in your application
If you want to remove those from table, then

Update yourTable Set yourCol=SubString(yourCol,1,len(yourCol)-1) where SubString(yourCol,1,len(yourCol)-1) in ('@.','#')

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