Monday, March 26, 2012

External scripts / imports / updates

Looking for suggestions on this one. What I want to do have have a text file that may have any number of rows and cols (with a predefined format) that a user can update or insert into a table. The definition of the row/cols and data mapping etc, has been done, it is the mechanics of actually doing the below I would appreciate help and advice on.

As the user is an 'end-user' (and has no SQL knowledge at all) the text file to import from will be placed in a predefined location and then a small script will be executed from their PC (as it happens, it's a Mac that runs an app that can exec an SQL command on the currently open database) that will in turn run a stored proc which is then reads in (imports or updates) the appropriate tables witht he contents of the external text file.

Sorry the explanation is a bit long winded but if anyone had any practical suggestions and examples, it would be greatly appreciated.

FYI, they are running SQL 2000 on both XP Pro and W2K3 server.

StarbYou can take help of DTS package and schedule to run or give rights to the user to execute in order to import/export the data required.

Also can achieve with ISQL/OSQL utility, refer to books online for more information.|||You can take help of DTS package and schedule to run or give rights to the user to execute in order to import/export the data required.

Also can achieve with ISQL/OSQL utility, refer to books online for more information.
Thanks. Dont want to use a third party tool (OSQL etc) and can't use such as DTS and Exec as it is the 'End User' that will use the funtion. It must be run via a simple script from the Mac app.


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