Sunday, February 19, 2012

Exporting to multiple sheets in Excel has limitations ?

guys, I am exporting a report in excel that generates in different
It seems that only 3 tab or sheets can be generated.
If the report exceeds 3 sheets all the rest of the sheets combined in
the last sheet.
Can anyone confirm this? Does it have any work around or I am just
doing something wrong?
thanks in advanceHi, I am doing some testing on sending data to Excel myself. I just tested
this and was able to make 5 sheets when I made page brakes between rectagles
in the report. Have you used the device setting RemoveSpace when rendering
to Excel ?
"" wrote:
> guys, I am exporting a report in excel that generates in different
> sheets.
> It seems that only 3 tab or sheets can be generated.
> If the report exceeds 3 sheets all the rest of the sheets combined in
> the last sheet.
> Can anyone confirm this? Does it have any work around or I am just
> doing something wrong?
> thanks in advance

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